May 21, 2022
What is the moisture crisis? Simply put, it is an imbalance of moisture in the environment. Too much moisture can lead to mold and mildew problems, while too little can cause dryness and cracking in building materials. In this blog post, we will explore the causes and effects of both too much and too little moisture in your home. We will also provide tips on how to correct the issue!

Too Much Moisture
Too much moisture in the home can be caused by leaks, flooding, high humidity levels, and inadequate ventilation. This can lead to mold growth in walls and ceilings, as well as damage to furnishings and wall coverings. The good news is that these problems can usually be corrected with proper water damage repair and dehumidification.
Too Little Moisture
Too little moisture in the home can occur when central heating systems are used too frequently or set too low. This leads to dry air which causes cracking in walls and floors, peeling paint and wallpaper, dust mites, static electricity shocks, and reduced comfort levels. The solution here is to use a humidifier or increase ventilation through windows and vents.
Prevention and Correction
To prevent problems with moisture levels, it is important to ensure that the home is properly insulated and ventilated. Additionally, it’s a good idea to use a dehumidifier or humidifier as needed and keep an eye on humidity levels in the home. If you are already experiencing issues with moisture, contact a professional who can identify the cause and recommend solutions. For example, they may suggest sealing any leaks, repairing water damage, or installing a dehumidifier.
Mold Remediation
If you have already experienced mold growth in your home, it is important to act quickly and thoroughly. Contact a mold remediation professional like FIRESTONE Restoration, who can identify the source of the problem and assess any damage that has occurred. They will then be able to recommend an appropriate plan of action for restoring or replacing affected building materials and eliminating the mold infestation.
Know Your Cracks
Finally, it is important to distinguish between the different types of cracks that can occur in walls and floors. Some cracks are natural and normal (such as those caused by shrinking due to changes in temperature or humidity levels), while others may be signs of structural damage or instability. It pays to know the difference so you can identify when moisture issues (or other problems) might be impacting your home’s integrity. For example, large cracks in a basement wall or large gaps between the ceiling and walls can be signs of structural instability that should be evaluated by a professional.
Maintaining the proper balance of moisture levels in your home is essential for both comfort and safety. Excessively high or low levels can lead to a variety of issues, so it’s important to identify and address the root cause as soon as possible. With the right steps and professional help, you can restore ideal conditions and prevent future damage from occurring. By following these tips and staying alert to potential problems, you can keep your home comfortable and safe for years to come!