5 Simple Steps To Tackle Dry Skin

So many of us struggle with dry skin, especially during the winter when the harsh weather takes its toll. If your skin is particularly dry, it will show up any lines and wrinkles a lot more and it can even start to crack, which is very painful sometimes. It’s always hard to keep your skin properly moisturized and give it a nice glow, particularly if your skincare routine is wrong. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that buying a moisturizer for dry skin will solve all of their problems, but it’s more complicated than that. It’s not just about the products that you use, it’s about how you use them and how you look after your skin in general. If you’re having a lot of problems with dry skin, these are some of the best ways to deal with it.

1. Washing Properly

You probably thought that you knew how to wash your skin properly, it’s not that complicated after all, but a lot of people do make some big mistakes. Washing your skin in the wrong way can make it incredibly dry, so it’s important that you know how to do it properly. Temperature is one of the most important things because if you’re showering under very hot water, it’ll dry your skin out a lot. It’s best to turn the temperature down a little and use warm water rather than scolding hot.

Using a cleanser is important for getting rid of any excess dirt and oils, especially if you suffer from acne. But you need to make sure that you’re using the right amount or it’ll dry your skin out too much. Getting rid of excess oil is important if you want to stop your skin from being greasy but you need some of that oil to stop it from drying out. If you use too much cleanser, you’ll strip all of those oils out and your skin will get very dry. You should apply enough to clean the skin but you shouldn’t be seeing a thick layer. When you’re choosing a cleanser, always try to go for one without a fragrance because some of the chemicals that they use to add the smell can be quite harsh on your skin and cause dryness.

Once you’ve finished showering, you need to dry your skin off properly. Most people just get out of the shower and rub their face with a towel, but that’s not the best thing to do. Instead, you should just gently blot it with a towel.


2. Moisturize Properly

Moisturizer is key to tackling dry skin but it only works if you’re using the right products and applying them correctly. Your skin type is very important when you’re choosing a moisturizer. If you’ve got particularly dry skin, an ointment is the best because they’re a lot thicker. Standard creams are good for skin that is already in good condition, and lotions are best for greasy skin because they don’t lock in as many of the oils. Again, you should try to find ones that don’t have fragrance because they don’t do anything for your skin.

The way that you apply moisturizer is important too. If you put it on dry skin, it will still have a bit of an effect but it won’t do much, especially if you’ve got really dry skin. The best time to apply moisturizer is just after you’ve showered, when the skin is still slightly damp. Apply a good layer to the skin and that will lock in all of the moisture. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that applying it more often automatically means your skin will be better because it won’t. You’ll just clog up all of the pores and you could end up with very greasy skin instead.


3. Face Masks

When the skin is in particularly bad condition, a face mask can be a huge help. There are different face masks for different skin issues like greasy skin, acne, and dry skin. A good hydrating face mask once or twice a week can make all of the difference. You can get a huge range of different face masks in shops but the best hydrating face masks are the ones that you can make yourself at home. Lots of people are turning to natural home remedies instead of shop bought skin products these days because they’re cheaper and you know exactly what goes into them so you don’t have to worry about any harmful chemicals that might dry your skin out further.

Banana and honey make a great combination for dry skin, so does avocado. But the most popular natural remedy for skin is definitely coconut oil. It first became popular as a healthier alternative to cooking oil but now a lot of people are using it on their skin. It’s great for dryness and it gives you an added layer of sun protection as well.

4. Humidifiers

If the air in your home is very dry, that can cause your skin to dry out a lot, especially during the winter months when the weather isn’t great. You can easily get around this problem by buying a humidifier for your house. You want to set it at about 60 percent humidity, that’s the ideal level of moisture for your skin. Keep it one whenever you’re at home and you should notice a big difference.

5. Diet

Your diet has a big impact on your skin and there are certain foods that can really help with dryness. A deficiency in omega-3 fats can lead to very dry skin, so it’s important that you have plenty in your diet. Oily fish is one of the best sources of omega-3 out there so try to add it to your diet where possible. Avocados are great as well because they’re a good source of healthy fats that your skin needs to stay moisturized. You should try to avoid too many fatty foods because they’re terrible for your skin.

Tackling dry skin can be difficult but if you follow the steps on this list, you should notice a big improvement in no time.