Lacking Wedding Inspiration? Read On

When the time comes for you to get married, it can be difficult to come up with ideas for the wedding and even the engagement that aren’t predictable and boring. It seems like it’s all been done before a million times. There are ways to get inspired and start coming up with ways to get married in a way that’s a little out of the ordinary. You want your guests to have their expectations defied, and that’s what these tips will help you achieve.


Open Your Mind to All Options

Opening your mind up to other ideas and other options is never a bad thing, and this is where you’re going to need to start as you plan your wedding and search for ideas. If you have a closed mind, you will reject the kind of ideas and inspiration that could really serve you well and help you to get your wedding just right.

Look to Other Countries and Cultures

Your own culture might not be getting you excited in terms of what’s expected from a wedding. But if you step outside of that comfort zone a little, you might be able to find some examples of interesting wedding ideas in other countries and other cultures where they tend to do things a little differently. There’s nothing wrong with learning from these examples. 


See What Celebrities Are Doing

If there’s one group of people always willing to push things to the limit and try ideas that no one else would even think of or consider, it’s celebrities. They know how to throw a party and they certainly know how to plan a wedding, so have a look at celebrity engagements and weddings and see if you can take any inspiration from them. They’re sure to get you thinking.

Read Magazines 

Magazines can be great sources of inspiration, and there are plenty of them out there that specialize in wedding coverage these days. You should look at which kinds of weddings get the coverage; it will tend to be the daring and unusual weddings. You don’t have to copy those weddings, but it can be a good idea to take some inspiration from them at the very least. 

Brainstorm with Your Closest Friends

Your friends know you and your partner pretty well by now, so they could turn out to be the people best placed to help you come up with ideas for your wedding day. They’ll know what you like and what you don’t like, so get together with them and do some wedding brainstorming. It’ll be a great way to come up with ideas, even if 99% of them are totally unappealing to you.


Now that you’re fully inspired, it’s time for you to get out there and start putting those wedding plans in place. Take your time if ideas aren’t coming to you right away, and keep getting inspired from all kinds of sources. You never know where that perfect wedding idea might eventually come from.



*Collaborative post